Friday, May 11, 2012

AvM Round 7 - Red Skull vs Skeletor! Comment below to vote on the winner!

Which Universe sports the most dangerous villain?  It's an evil face-off (literally) as the Red Skull puts his Cosmic Cube up against Skeletor's Havok Staff and Power Sword!  This could be the biggest battle of them all!

Viewers get to choose the winners of the AvM battles so comment below to vote and tell us why you think that character would win!  Check back tomorrow for the next battle!


  1. All the dark magic on Eternia can't compete with a power-mad Nazi with a cosmic cube. Skeletor pops off a few shots from his Havoc staff when Red Skull yawns and unmakes the universe. The End. Literally, the end of the world.

  2. This fight is a close one indeed.

    The Runthrough: RedSkull enleashes a bolt of energy intending to end the fight immediately. Unfortunately for him, it hits Skeletor's holographic projection. Skeletor steps out from behind a pillar and fires a blast of energy from his Havoc Staff that sends the Cosmic Cube spinning from the Nazi's grasp. The Skull dodges subsequent energy blasts from Skeletor as he moves in close. Then it's fist-to-fist, skull-to-skull fighting as the Skull has rushed in before Skeletor can even draw his purple power sword. Super Soldier Serum wins out as RedSkull hits Skeletor hard enough to knock him to the ground. He rushes back to the Cube and turns around to finish off his foe, but finds himself staring at the Diamond Ray of Disappearance. Skeletor has pulled out his Ace in the Hole and transported the RedSkull to Limbo. The Masters win their first and only battle thanks to their mortal enemy.
